
Saturday, June 5, 2021

Environment (पर्यावरण) related selected Ph.D Theses, Videos, Other Information Sources

 पर्यावरण संबंधित निवडक पीएच. डी प्रबंध,  विडीओज, इतर माहिती स्त्रोत    

 Environment related selected Ph.D Theses, Videos, Other Information Sources 

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निवडक पीएच. डी प्रबंध

1. Paryavaran Ke Prati Jagrukta Ev Paryavaran Shiksha Ke Vikas Me Jansanchar Sadhno ki Bhumika Ka Adhyayan

2. Pracheen Bharat mein vanaspati evam paryavaran sanrakshan Ek aitihasik adhyayan Vaidik kaal se gupt kaal tak

3. paryawaran sanrakshan mai ger sarkari sangathano ki bhumika uttarakhand ke vishes sandharv mai ek adhyayan

4. Paryavaran ki samashya ke pariprekshya me bhartia sanskrit ka awdan

पर्यावरण की समस्या के परिप्रेक्ष्य में भारतीय संस्कृती का अवदान

13. Paryavaran Pradushan evam savedhanik upchar ek aalochnatmak adhyaan

14. Gramin mahilao me paryavaran sambandhi chetana: ek samajshatriya adhyayan (ग्रामीण महिलाओ में पर्यावरण संबंधी चेतना:

 एक समाजशास्त्रीय  अध्ययन)

15. Paryavaran pradushan ki samasya evam sudharatmak upaya Ek samajshastriya vishleshan Chandauli Janpad ke Deendayal Nagar Mugal Sarai ke prabuddh uttardataon par aadharit

16. Paryavaran Pradooshan Ke Virudhh Upchar Ev Prakriya

17. Environment andhistory: a study of the interface of ecology and culture in the brahmaputravalley during the during the pre-ahom period

18. SustainableDevelopment and Environment Protection Laws in India with Special Reference toAir Pollution in Ludhiana City

19. Critical Study On Environment Protection Issues With Laws and Policies In India With SpecialReference To Industries

20. Study ofenvironmental impacts and associated concern on Naradu glacier Himachal Pradesh

21. The environment andhuman rights an analytical study of the role and performance of the national human rights commission of India in addressing environmental issues from ahuman rights perspective

22. Attitude towardsenvironment and perception of environmental education among student teachersand teacher educators

23. Impact of solid wasteon environment and health a sociological study in Tirunelveli district of TamilNadu

24. Islamic concept of environment

25. Environmental Problems and Gandhian Solutions A Study

26. Environmentpreservation: a philosophical critique

27. Man andenvironment an essay on environmental ethics

28. Environmentprotection in India Problems and perspective

निवडक विडीओज

1. "Jagtik Paryavaran Din" _ 'जागतिक पर्यावरण दिन' - DD Sahyadri

2. पर्यावरण पर कविता" - Best Environment Status|

3. Hindi poem plant the trees, हिन्दी कविता-पेड़ लगाओ बारंबार

4. पेड़ो से जुड़े कुछ दिलचस्प जानकारी Facts About Trees

निवडक माहिती स्त्रोत 

1. जागतिक पर्यावरण दिन- ५ जून -

2. जागतिक पर्यावरण दिवस -

3. नैसर्गिक पर्यावरण -

4. पर्यावरण व्यवस्थापन -

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Kalpana Chawla related Selected Book, Videos, Other Information Sources

   कल्पना चावला  यांच्याशी संबंधित इंटरनेट वरील निवडक ग्रंथ,  विडीओज, इतर माहिती स्त्रोत   Image Address :