
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Police related selected Ph.D Theses

 Police related selected Ph.D Theses

पोलीस संबंधित निवडक पीएच. डी. प्रबंध 

1. A study of perception of police image in Punjab

2. A study of women victims of crime in Punjab

3. Administration of police and jails in the Punjab1861 to 1947

4. Crime against women in Chandigarh a study of roleof police

5. First information report and role of police A study of legislative and judicial trends

6. The critical study of criminal laws and powers of police in India with special reference to functioning of police in Nanded range

7. Human rights and policeadministration a case study of Delhi State

8. Human rights violation in police custody Problems and challenges in India

9. Impact of police culture in the lives of the policepersonnel a study on the police commissionerate of bhubaneswar and cuttack

10. Job stress in women police

11. Law and practice in police administration a studywith special reference to women police station in haryana

12. Misuse of investigative powers of police and humanrights of victims of crimes

13. Organization and working of model jails in Punjab astudy of perceptions of select stakeholders

14. Organization of the police department withreference to tamilnadu

15. Police administration and public relations in Maharashtra

16. Police and criminal behaviour with reference to Madurai district

17. Police in a metropolis a sociological study

18. Police policing and the new technology a study of Kolkata Police

19. Police public relationship a study of ambala range

20. Problems faced by the families of police personnela futuristic study

21. Role of police in the administration of criminal justice system a critical study with special reference to Chandigarh

22. Role of police in the protection of womens right astudy under the Indian criminal justice system with special reference to stateof West Bengal

23. Study of police sub culture stress andpsychological well being

24. The role of police in the protection of human rights

25. Women police a study of role stress social supportand life satisfaction

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डॉ. तारा भवाळकर    यांच्याशी संबंधित निवडक  पीएच. डी. प्रबंध,  विडीओज, इतर माहिती स्त्रोत    Image Address :