
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Late Dr. Bhupen Hazarika related selected Ph.D Theses, Videos - Songs, Other Information Sources

 स्वर्गीय डॉ. भूपेन हजारिका यांच्याशी संबंधित इंटरनेटवरील निवडक :   पीएच. डी प्रबंध, विडीओज- गीत, इतर माहिती स्त्रोत

Image Reference:

Birth 8 Sept. 1926 - Death 5 Nov. 2011

विनम्र अभिवादन 

Selected Ph.D Theses

1. Renditions of the National Bhupen Hazarika andthe Ideology of Voice in Post 1950 Assam

2. Bhupen Hazarikar geeti sahityat nari eti alochona

3. A study of life and achievement of Dr Bhupen Hazarika and their impact on society and politics in Assam

4. The life and works of Bhupen Hazarika

Selected Videos - Songs

1. Biography of Bhupen Hazarika, Know allinteresting fact about this playback Singer

2. Top 100 Songs of Bhupen Hazarika | Ami EkJajabar | Manush Manusher Jannya | Hey Dola Hey Dola 

3. Best of Bhupen Hazarika | O Ganga Behti Ho Kyon| Audio Jukebox |Bhupen Hazarika

4. Dil Hoom Hoom Kare (Bhupen Hazarika)

5. Gulzar - Main Aur Mera Saya - Ek Kali DoPattiyan - Sung By Bhupen Hazarika Lyrics Gulzar

6. Bhupen Hazarika Lata Manageskar only hindi duet-Main Tu Sange Jaon Vanvas

7. Zara Dheere Zara Dheeme -- Ek Pal (Dr. BhupenHazarika)

8. Zara Dheere Zara Dheeme Ek Pal 1986 Rare Song

9. Bhupen Hazarika Hindi song

10. Melody Maker Bhupen Hazarika || Hindi Songs ||Audio Jukebox

11. Naino Mein Darpan Hai - Lata Mangeshkar & Kishore Kumar Hit Duet Song - Bhupen Hazarika Songs

12. In Conversation - Late Dr. Bhupen Hazarika

Other Information Sources 

1. हाझारिका (हझारिका), भूपेन  – मराठी विश्वकोश

2. भूपेन हजारिका विकिपीडिया

3. भूपेन हज़ारिका भारतकोश

4. भूपेन हजारिका -

5. Biography of Bhupen Hazarika

6. Voice of The Voiceless: Dr. Bhupen Hazarika and His Songs of Human Love / Hemanta Sarma

7. Humanismin Bhupen Hazarika’s Songs: A Critical Review / Bhupen Gogoi

8. Bhupen Hazarika’s Contribution Towards Social Harmony In Northeast-India / Bijoylakshmi Das

9. Bhupen Hazarika – Wikipedia


10. Historical Illustration in the Songs of BhupenHazarika / Minakshee Boruah




14. कलम और आवाज के जादूगर भूपेन हजारिका – Bhupen Hazarika Biography

1 comment:

  1. Very informative and useful to all articles and website thanks Sir


काही सूचना, अभिप्राय असल्यास कळवावे

Kalpana Chawla related Selected Book, Videos, Other Information Sources

   कल्पना चावला  यांच्याशी संबंधित इंटरनेट वरील निवडक ग्रंथ,  विडीओज, इतर माहिती स्त्रोत   Image Address :