आदरणीय डॉ. धर्मराज वीर सर यांच्याशी संबंधित निवडक पीएच. डी. प्रबंध, विडीओज, - लेख, ग्रंथ माहिती , इतर माहिती स्त्रोत
डॉ . धर्मराज वीर - असा मी घडलो गाथा ग्रंथपालाची - संपादन रणजीत धर्मापुरीकर व डॉ. मेधा धर्मापुरीकर
आदरणीय डॉ. धर्मराज वीर सर यांचा पीएच. डी प्रबंध
डॉ. धर्मराज वीर सर यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली झालेले फक्त 'शोधगंगा' वर उपलब्ध असलेले निवडक पीएच. डी प्रबंध
1. College library services in marathwada Researcher - Ghumre, Shivshankar Kondiba
5. Critical study of library management softwares Researcher - Katkar Mohan Ramrao
14. महाराष्ट्रातील शतकोत्तर सार्वजनिक ग्रंथालयाचा चिकित्सक अभ्यास संशोधक – विजया भाऊराव सूर्यवंशी
निवडक विडीओज
1. Intelligent CD / DVD Storage DC300
3. Web Cafe for accessing E-resources- Knowledge Resource Center (Central Library)
4. Smart Card to stakeholders - Knowledge Resource Center (Central Library)
5. Webinar on Understanding API & CAS Process for Working Academic Library Professionals by BMN College
6. Preparing CollegeLibraries for NAAC || Dr. Dharmaraj K. Veer || BAMU, Aurangabad
7. NAAC Criteria for College by. Dr. Dharmaraj Veer Sir & DSpace Practical.
वर्तमानपत्रातील निवडक बातम्या
National Workshop On Dspace in University Library News
Dr.BAMU Top Ten in Shodhganga News date 1/7/2016
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar related e-resources availble on University Website News
Springer Nature Author Workshop News
Women Day E-Resources available on University Website News
Not Central Library, Call it Knowledge Resource Centre
Workshop on Origin lab and EndNote News
विद्यापीठात साकारणार आंतरराष्ट्रीय दर्जाचे ग्रंथालय
Open Day Program in University News Year 2013
Open Day Program in University News Year 2014
Open Day Program in University News Year 2016
Librarian Day Program in University Library News Year 2013
Librarian Day Program in University Library News Year 2014
Librarian Day Program in University Library News Year 2015
Librarian Day Program in University Library News Year 2016
माहितीचा खजिना मिळणार एका क्लिकवर
संशोधकांना अभ्यासासाठी विद्यापीठात स्वतंत्र व्यवस्था (Research-Cubical-News- Year 2014)
समृध्द ग्रंथालयाला मिळाली २० हजार पुस्तकांची भेट
रिमोट एक्सेस ३० लाख ई पुस्तकाचा खजिना विद्यापीठाची पुस्तके जगभर वाचा - news
बदलला रीडिंग ट्रेंड ई -लायब्ररीचा वापर वाढला; पुस्तकापेक्षा संगणकाला डिमांड
विद्यापीठाची ई - लायब्ररी देशात चौथ्यास्थानी
Workshop on Marathi Wikipedia News Year 2017
Workshop on Marathi Wikipedia News Year 2018
नियतकालिकातील निवडक लेख (Selected Articles)
1. Padmshree Dr. S.R. Ranganathan yanchyavyakatimatvacha Vedh
2. Granth Padtalani ani Gahal Granthachi Samsya vUpaya
3. Granthalaya Maharshi Dr. Ranaganathan : Jeevan v Karya
4. Paripurna Shalyea Granthalya Kalachi Garaj
5. Granthpadtalni ani Gahal Granthachi Samsya v Upay
7. ISBN Rachana v Karypaddhati
8. ASLIB: The Association for Information Management
निवडक ग्रंथ प्रकरणे - लेख (Selected Book Chapters)
1. RFID : Key to success for Librarians in IT Era
2. Shaleya Granthalyacha Adhyan- Adhyapan Samrudhitil Sahabhag
3. Public Libraries in Maharashtra
4. Collection Development in Modern Digital Era
5. Wachan Sahitya Sangrah Vikas ani Padtalani :Dhornatmak Adhyan
6. Granthalayin Jeevanat bhetlele ek AadarshVyakatimatv
7. Journey of E-Books Towards Kindle Fire HD
Selected Conference Papers
1. Sarvajanik Granthalayache Swarooup
2. Collection in college of education libraries in Maharashtra: A Study
3. Overall Satisfaction of Users in the College of Education Libraries in Maharashtra: A Study
4. World Peace Through Teacher Education with special references to India
5. Application of Delplus 2.0 to Library: A Practical Appraoch
6. Study of Authorship Trends in Indian LibraryAssociations Conference Papers
7. Promotion of Reading Habit in Libraries
8. Internet: A tool for modern library and informationservices in digital Era
9. E-Consortia: A New Paradigm in Online Resource Sharing
10. Application of RFID in Libraries
11. Impact of information communication and technology on library and library services
12. Digital Library Initiatives in India: An Overview
13. Institutional Repositories: An Effective Scholarly Communication Channel
14. Institutional Repositories: Enhance to Scholarly Communication
15. Re-engineering Library & Information Services & Resources in Modern Digital Era
16. Importance of CCTV in Libraries for better security
17. Application of TQM in Libraries
18. E-Journal Consortia: Reshaping the Future of Libraries and Information Centres in 21st Century
19. Role of Information Communication Technology in Library
20. Public Library in Maharashtra Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
21. E-Resources Services in Academic University Libraries
22. Role of Electronic Surveillance and Security in Dr.BAMU library Aurangabad
23. Impact of Information Technology and Libraries
24. Disaster Management in Libraries and Archives
25. Best Practices in Web 2.0 Environments
26. From Print to Electronic Resources : The Odyssey ofLibraries
28. Greenstone : Digital Library Software
29. Design and Development of Institutional Repository: Some Insights
30. College Library Services in Marathwada Region: A Study on Impact of NAAC Accreditation
31. Library Services in the Engineering College Libraries of Maharashtra State: An Analytical Study
32. Use of Internet in Academic Libraries
34. Mahavidhyalayin Granthpalanche Prakashnathil Yogdan(Marathi)
35. Managerial Skills for Librarians
37. Ek Sanganikrut Aandnyawali : E-Granthalya
2. वस्तुनिष्ठ ग्रंथालय आणि माहितीशास्त्र
4. ग्रंथालय वर्गीकरण तात्त्विक
5. Handbook of TeacherTraining College Libraries (Books published by Oxford Book Co. New Delhi)
6. The Doctoral Research: 1958-2010 Book Publised by Dr. BAMU, A’bad
7. School Libraries in Nanded Region
9. Development of Newspaper Libraries
10. Handbook of Engineering College Libraries. ABD Publishers , Jaipur
11. Digital Library , E-Resources and E-Publishing. Ess EssPublications , New Delhi
13. ग्रंथालय आणि माहितीशास्त्र आधुनिक तंत्र आणि पद्धती
14. Advanced Applications of ICT in AcademicLibraries –Biovet Press, New Delhi.
15. राजाराम मोहन रॉय ग्रंथालय प्रतिष्ठान आणि महाराष्ट्रातील सार्वजनिक ग्रंथालये
16. सार्वजनिक ग्रंथालय आणि ग्रंथालय कर्मचार्यांच्या उत्कृष्ट सेवा
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